When you pitch a financing deal, you’re likely focused on the banker in front of you. The truth is, that banker is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind them, nearly 20 other decision-makers—credit committees, risk officers, and analysts—hold the real power over your deal. That’s why relationships alone won’t get you funded.
In this conversation, CAPX founder and former lender Rocky Gor joins CAPX Senior Advisor and corporate banking veteran Scott Glassberg to break down just how complex the review and approval processes can get, how rigid the steps can be, and a full tally of the number of people who may “touch” the deal.
The net-net? There are more considerations to make—and stakeholders to reach indirectly—than you may realize.
Watch the full discussion here:
Interested in discussing how to approach pitching your next financing deal? Get in touch with Rocky and Scott.